Publications by Year: 2004

Carpenter D, Ting M. A Theory of Approval Regulation. 2004. endosub-20040214.pdf
Carpenter D, Feinstein B, Moore C, Turenne M, Yohai I, Zucker EJ. Why Do Bigger Firms Receive Faster Drug Approvals?. 2004. whybigfast1.pdf
Carpenter D, Esterling K, Lazer D. “Friends Brokers and Transitivity: Who Talks with Whom in Washington Lobbying?” . Journal of Politics . 2004;66 (1) :224-246.
Carpenter D, Fendrick MA, Chernew M, Smith D. “Approval Times for New Drugs: Does the Source of Funding for FDA Staff Matter?” . Health Affairs – Web Exclusive. 2004;W3- 618-624.
Carpenter D. “The Political Economy of FDA Drug Approval: Processing Politics and Implications for Policy” . Health Affairs. 2004;23 (1) :52-63.
Carpenter D, Fendrick MA. “Accelerating Approval Times for New Drugs in the U.S”. The Regulatory Affairs Journal – Pharma. 2004;15 (6) :411-417.
Carpenter D. “Staff Resources Speed FDA Drug Review” . Journal of Health Policy Politics and Law. 2004;29 (3) :431-442.
Carpenter D. “Gatekeeping and the FDA’s Role in Human Subjects Protection” . Virtual Mentor [American Medical Association] . 2004;6.
Carpenter D, Lewis D. “Political Learning from Rare Events: Poisson Inference Fiscal Constraints and the Lifetime of Bureaus”. Political Analysis. 2004;12 (3) :201-232.
Carpenter D. “Protection without Capture: Dynamic Product Approval by a Politically Responsive Learning Regulator”. American Political Science Review . 2004;98 (4) :613-631. protwoc-apsr-pub.pdf